The image is of the first generation car kit. – shipped 2nd gen kits will include a built in 3D printed battery holder that kits our longer protected batteries properly.
Two rechargable batteries are included in cost but will be drop shipped from a different supplier.
Included Parts:
- aluminum car chassis
- 4 motors
- 4 wheels
- screw bag for motors
- 3d printed baseplate to mount electronics
- battery holder
- 2x 18650 protected rechargeable batteries
- 2 port battery charger
- raspberry pi 3A+
- customized RPI hat containing motor /servo controller and wired for the sensors
- sd card with custom rc car image
- raspberry pi camera
- BME280 weather sensor
- node-red drivers for all sensors, motors, and servos
- laser range finder
- OLED display for sensor data, battery level, ip address etc
- INA219 to measure voltage of your battery
- buzzer for low battery alert
Hardware bag parts:
- 4x sticky strip 4 piece sheets (some extra)
- 3x 2.5mm screws (1 extra)
- 3x 2.5mm brass standoff (1 extra)
- 5x 2mm screws (1 extra)
- 1x philips screwdriver
- 5x pointed screws for servo mechanisms 🙂